Valencia Ventures Inc. has commenced the first phase of its 2007 exploration program to expand the existing resource at the Cachinal Silver-Gold Project in northern Chile. The exploration program will focus on four immediate target areas of potential mineralization with a 2,500 metre reverse circulation (RC) drill campaign. Valencia's board of directors approved the C$2.0 million exploration program and the Company intends to fund the expenditures from its cash on hand and investments.

The program is designed to drill potential mineralized extensions stepping out from the mineral resource delineated in 2006 and announced in the press release dated February 19, 2007 as follows:

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Keegan Resources Inc. Keegan is pleased to release the results of 24 additional holes from the saprolite resource definition program at Esaase. The total area covered now is approximately 780 meters along strike by 300 meters width, (see for a map showing drill hole locations and cross-sections). Significant intercepts were encountered in 23 of 24 holes being released. Highlights include 30 meters of 8.64 g/t Au, 43 meters of 1.72 g/t Au, 66 meters of 1.19 g/t Au, and 7 meters of 22.56 g/t.

Evaluation of the results in plan and section show a series of moderately to steeply dipping zones of gold mineralization that have excellent grade continuity along and between sections. As a result of the moderate dip on most sections, the favorable topography which is falling off steeply to the west in the down dip direction and the notable increase in grades seen in the larger RC samples, Keegan believes that these zones will continue to develop significant resources at a considerable distance down dip from the current drill pattern. Additionally, based on the fact that many holes ended in excellent gold mineralization, Keegan plans to expand the current drill program with deeper holes which will be targeted to test the depth of mineralization. Keegan will also be drilling aggressive step out holes to the west to test the down dip extension and width of the existing mineralized zones.

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Fortune Minerals Limited (TSX-FT) is pleased to report that the Federal, Northwest Territories (NWT) and Tlicho governments, together with private industry will provide approximately $1 million for studies to improve road access to isolated Tlicho communities and various businesses including Fortune's proposed NICO gold-cobalt-bismuth mine. The funds will be used for engineering and environmental work for a re-alignment of the winter road and bridged water crossings to extend the winter road season and to provide for the eventual upgrade to a permanent all-weather road. Fortune Minerals has contributed approximately $250,000 of its own engineering and environmental work toward this project and will provide additional studies it has carried out in recent months at a cost of approximately $75,000.

The proposed road re-alignment and upgrade would provide year-round road access to local communities and businesses, replacing the temporary winter road running north from the communities of Behchoko and Edzo that is rebuilt every year. Weather conditions, mounting costs, as well as major logistical and safety concerns have made the need for a permanent road an increasingly important issue for the area, particularly as plans are being advanced to develop the region's mineral resources and expand local hydro power generation facilities.

NWT Transportation Minister Kevin Menicoche said that improved road access to Tlicho communities would create many direct benefits for residents, including "easier travel between communities, better access to services, lower re-supply costs and more re-supply options."

Minister Menicoche said Tlicho residents could also gain from employment, training and contracting opportunities during construction and maintenance of the winter and all-weather roads. Further, he said better road access into the region could boost road-based tourism travel and make it more attractive for mining companies to explore and invest in the region.

Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, added that the Federal Government "is pleased to play a major role in the Tlicho road project, which will help local industry, and Tlicho businesses and community members take advantage of the growing economic and social opportunities in the NWT and contribute to the development of a sustainable, diversified economy" for the Tlicho.

"This project study is a positive development that will stimulate discussion in Tlicho communities about the benefits and impacts that would eventually arise from improving road access to the region," says George Mackenzie, Grand Chief of the Tlicho Government.

Fortune's NICO project is located 160 km northwest of the City of Yellowknife, 85 km north of Behchoko and Highway 3 to Edmonton, Alberta, and 22 km west of the Snare hydro complex. NICO was recently assessed in a positive full feasibility study that showed an attractive rate of return for the development using base case metal price assumptions and very attractive economics at current prices (see News Release, dated January 17, 2007). Fortune has already purchased the Golden Giant mill and surface facilities for dismantling and relocation to NICO. The Company is very pleased that all three governments are allocating funds to needed infrastructure in the area as it proceeds with an environmental assessment and permitting for the mine.

About Fortune Minerals

Fortune Minerals is a diversified natural resource company with seven mineral deposits and a number of exploration projects, all located in Canada. They include the Mount Klappan anthracite coal deposits in British Columbia, and the NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth deposit, the Sue-Dianne copper-silver deposit and other base and precious metals exploration projects in the Northwest Territories. Fortune is the managing partner of Formosa Environmental Aggregates Ltd., an industrial mineral company developing the Greenock high calcium limestone quarry in Ontario. Fortune Minerals is focussed on outstanding performance and growth of shareholder value through assembly and development of high quality mineral resource projects.

This press release contains forward-looking information. This forward-looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the size and quality of the Company's mineral resources, progress in development of mineral properties, demand and market outlook for metals and future metal prices. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is given, and is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. These factors include the inherent risks involved in the exploration and development of mineral properties, the uncertainties involved in interpreting drilling results and other geological data, fluctuating metal prices, the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and expenses, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future and other factors. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves. The forward-looking information contained herein is given as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

For further information

Fortune Minerals Limited, Robin Goad, President, Tel.: (519) 858-8188, Fax: (519) 858-8155,,
Greg Taylor, Investor & Public Relations, Tel: (416) 605-5120, Fax: (905) 844-6532,

Source: Fortune Minerals Limited

Midway Gold Corp. announces continued expansion of the gold discoveries at the Midway Project with the results from four vertical water monitor wells and five angle step-out exploration holes completed in December, 2006. The best intercept was an extension of the Dauntless zone with a 10 foot intercept of 0.31opt gold in Hole MW06-47H, a well drilled to monitor hydrologic testing. The vein is estimated to be four foot true width and is approximately 130 feet south of the Dauntless zone. Midway was installing a series of 14 monitor wells to study the dewatering costs for an underground decline when the gold was encountered. These tests indicate that gold persists in vein zones peripheral to the Discovery Zone. Although the vertical monitor wells did not specifically target gold-bearing vein zones, they were located within southern extensions of the Discovery and Dauntless zones. Currently, it is unclear whether this is the Dauntless vein or a sub-parallel splay.

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General Metals Corporation. The Company is pleased to report it has reached an agreement to acquire a 100% interest in Mikite Gold Resources ("Mikite"), a Ghanaian corporation with exclusive exploration rights to the Nyinahin Mining Concession near Bibiani, Ghana. The Mineral rights are for gold, diamonds and base metals.

The 150 square kilometer Nyinahin mining concession is located between two geological gold belts, the Bibiani Belt to the west and the Asankrangwa to the east. The property shares borders with several major mining companies, including Newmont Mining, Napoli Gold and Dunkwa Continental Goldfields. The district is home to the famous Ashanti Goldfields-Obuasi Mines and is one of the most active exploratory areas in the world. Newmont Mining, alone, plans to spend three billion dollars exploring for gold and developing gold mines in Ghana. (See

A preliminary survey by Geodita Resources LTD, Ghana, indicates that the Nyinahin Concession has significant potential for lode gold mineralization and for recovery of alluvial gold. There are 3 major anomalous zones: Owusbukurom anomaly in the center Ntoboroso anomaly in the southeast and the Krakyekurom anomaly in the southwest. There are 4 known mineralized trends: Baaneekurom-Nyinahin, Ntoboroso, Owusukurom-Adupiri and Krakyekurom-Adupiri. The reconnaissance has also shown several abandoned surface mines that are yet to be investigated due to time and budget constraints of the current owners.

The terms of acquisition will require General Metals to issue 1,000,000 restricted common shares with 1,000,000 share purchase warrants attached, priced @ $0.26 for a period of 2 years in satisfaction of full and complete payment for 100% interest in the above concession. Closing is scheduled on or before March 15, 2007. General Metals plans to take over operations as soon as possible and has budgeted $260,000US for exploration over the next 2 years based upon geologists' recommendations. The owners have expressed their interest in exercising the warrants to provide funding for the exploration campaign, but are not required to do so by the agreement.

Steve Parent, General Metals President and CEO comments: "We have been studying concessions in Ghana for nearly a year now and have elected to start operations in the Nyinahin Concession. This acquisition gives us an operational Ghanian corporation and a group of interested shareholders familiar with the area to assist in the development. This infrastructure will enable us to aggressively seek to acquire additional mining properties here as they become available. We are currently reviewing a fully permitted gold mine that may be available on favorable terms that is in the Confidentiality stage at this time. Having Newmont as a neighbor gives us added confidence as well."

About General Metals: We currently control 100% of The Independence claims which are completely surrounded by Newmont Mining's Phoenix Mine and is a 240-acre island with legal access. From 1983 - 1997 there were several exploration campaigns conducted by Noranda, Teck Exploration, Northern Dynasty and Great Basin Minerals which resulted in about 80 reverse circulation and core drill holes being drilled and reported. The 1997 Carrington Report, the 1997 Akright Report, the 2006 Carew Report and the 2005 Frost and Larsen findings are available for review in their entirety at the Company's office in Reno, Nevada. An Executive Summary is available on the Company's website

The Company has an initial exploration budget for the Independence Mine of $1,350,000 which will be expended for geology, geophysics, phase 1 drilling and early permitting.

Targeted recovery: 235,000 oz. of gold and 2.5 million oz. of silver.

Notice Regarding Forward Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward-looking statements", as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the closing of the acquisition of Mikite Gold Resources and the Nyinahin Mining Concession, any exploration by Newmont Mining in the area, the mineralization of the Concession, the budget for, and any exploration of, the Mining Concession to be acquired, any additional acquisitions in Ghana, that an estimated 235,000 ounces of gold and 2,500,000 ounces of silver are contained in the mineralized material in the target, and the budget, expenses and permitting associated with any Phase 1 drilling program.

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with mineral exploration. We are not in control of metals prices and these could vary to make development uneconomic. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-KSB for the 2006 fiscal year, our quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


General Metals Corporation
Steve Parent, CEO, 775-686-6078
Cell: 775-721-6428

Source: General Metals Corporation

Aura Gold Inc. is pleased to provide an update of exploration activities at its 100% owned Inaja Project, Para State, north-central Brazil.

The initial regional program on the Inaja Project has been completed. Results from this early stage program have outlined a significant gold target, as well as iron and nickel targets, which merit more detailed exploration. Detailed follow-up programs are now underway on the gold target of defining drill targets for a program of diamond core and reverse circulation drilling planned to commence early in the second quarter this year.

The Inaja Project covers the 100 km long Inaja Greenstone Belt ("IGB"), a readily accessible but virtually unexplored Archean greenstone belt in the world-class Carajas Metallogenic Province. Aura Gold controls approximately 70% of the IGB and has completed an extensive GIS compilation of historic work (including geological, geochemical, geophysical and imaging data, plus regional geologic reconnaissance mapping and sampling). New work by Aura Gold includes rock sampling from widespread outcrops, soil orientation lines and extensive stream sediment samples collected from numerous watercourses cross-cutting the belt.

The main gold target identified is a district-sized 14 km long northwest-trending structural lineament that is coincident with numerous artisanal workings and other gold occurrences. Follow-up work is being directed towards examining the trend, workings and gold occurrences for the definition of possible bulk mineable gold targets.

This lineament coincides closely with the regional contact between the main greenstone sequence and a large tonalite intrusive body in the east-central part of the belt. Extensive artisanal gold workings, such as the famous large Carrapato garimpo, occur near the contact zone. Significant quantities of gold were extracted by artisanal miners along the trend from workings in the overlying alluvium and to shallow depths from the larger quartz veins in bedrock. Much of the underlying extensive networks of smaller sheeted and stockwork-like gold-bearing veins and the larger vein systems at depth could not be profitably exploited by the artisanal miners and were left behind. Initial fieldwork indicates these gold-bearing sheeted-stockwork vein systems along the 14 km trend are up to 250 m wide and constitute possible bulk mineable gold targets. Together with the large veins at depth, these sheeted/stockwork systems remain intact and constitute bulk mineable targets, which have never before been systematically explored or drilled.

In the core of the Inaja belt, Aura Gold has outlined a significant iron ore target on the property. Siliceous banded iron formations ("BIF") form a ridge 70 km long and locally 8 km wide. Significantly, the regional program has identified, sub-parallel belts of low relief with potentially economic iron contents of 60% and more. Given the extensive strike length of the observed BIF system, Aura Gold plans further detailed mapping and sampling of these higher-grade occurrences to attempt to outline BIF lenses of possible economic size and grade.

In the western part of the belt, several extensive layered ultramafic complex bodies have been identified and present possible nickel targets. Preliminary sampling has shown anomalous nickel and chromium. Aura Gold plans further detailed sampling of this section of the belt to investigate the possible economic significance of these newly discovered ultramafic bodies.

Aura Gold is in the process of prioritizing targets for further exploration and plans to initiate drilling on key targets early in the second quarter of this year.

The qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 responsible for all technical data reported in this news release is Mel Klohn, L.P. Geo., Vice President, Exploration for Aura Gold Inc. All work in Brazil is managed by Carlos Bertoni, M.Sc., P.Geo., Chief Operation Officer for Aura Gold Inc.

About Aura Gold Inc.

Aura Gold Inc. (TSX:ORA - News) is a Canadian exploration company focused on the discovery of gold deposits in Brazil. Aura Gold's projects are the Cumaru, the Inaja Greenstone Belt and the North Carajas Claims, which total approximately 600,000 hectares in the Carajas Metallogenic Province of north-central Brazil. The Carajas region is host to a significant number of world-class deposits of iron ore, gold, copper, nickel, manganese and bauxite. Aura Gold intends to become Brazil's pre-eminent mineral explorer and the partner of choice for international mining companies seeking opportunities in Brazil.

Cautionary Statement:

This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results, future plans and objectives of Aura Gold, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Aura Gold's expectations are the risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by Aura Gold with securities regulators.

No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.


Vic Bradley
Aura Gold Inc.
President & CEO
(416) 363-8238

Steve Dawson
Aura Gold Inc.
Vice President, Corporate Development
(416) 363-8238

Source: Aura Gold Inc.

Southern Arc Minerals Inc. announces an update on the status of its Lombok property following a recent site visit by the Company's management.

The Contract of Work

The Lombok property is located in the southern part of Lombok Island, Indonesia and originally comprised an area covering approximately 56,670 hectares. The Lombok property is the subject of a Contract of Work application ("CoW") that has been lodged by the Company with the Indonesia Central Government Department of Mines and Energy. Consequently, the Department of Mines and Energy granted the Company an in-principal CoW approval on July 21, 1998. In January 2006 the Company incorporated an adjoining block (called "Block 1"), into its CoW application area, that had been previously explored by Newmont (see news release No. 06-02 dated January 11, 2006). The current CoW application area now encompasses an area of 67,343 hectares.

The Company has the right assuming all mandatory regulatory requirements have been fulfilled, to continue to proceed with its CoW application by commencing formal CoW negotiations with the Indonesian Government (including both central and regional authorities). The Company has met its application requirements and has at the request of the Indonesian Government submitted draft CoW manuscripts to the relevent authorites on the 6th February 2006. The Indonesian Government is in the process of appointing the negotiating team representing central, provincial and regency authorities to complete the CoW process.

The Company understands that the Indonesian Government is currently drafting a new Mining Law as it relates to mining activities in Indonesia. We will provide updates with regard to the new Mining Law as more information becomes available.

The Preliminary General Survey Permits

During the CoW application process, the Company has undertaken regional and prospect evaluation programs on the property on the basis of Preliminary General Survey permits ("SIPPs") issued by the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Department of Mines and Energy. These have culminated in several scout diamond drilling programs. A SIPP is a temporary permit or license that entitles the Company to conduct exploration work on its Lombok property for a period of 12 months as part of its CoW application. An extension of a SIPP may be granted by the government but the Company is required to apply for an extension prior to the expiry date of the SIPP.

The Company's most recent SIPP expired on February 15, 2006, and an extension application was filed in January 2006 to extend the SIPP for a further 12 month period. Previous Company experience has been that the SIPP approval may take up to 6 months following the expiry of the previous SIPP license. In the case of the current SIPP extension, the process has been much slower than anticipated, primarily as a result of the requirement to obtain approval from three levels of government, those at regency, provincial and central levels of government.

The issue has been compounded through the introduction by the Provincial Governor of a local land utilization regulation to restrict future mining activity on Lombok (a "Perda") but the Perda is still at an early stage in the government approval process and is uncertain in regard to the status of pre-exisiting SIPPS and CoW applications. This regulation receives input from the central government and requires endorsement from the provincial legislative body before it is enacted. The Company has been advised that an endorsement of the Perda by the other levels of government has not yet been provided and that both levels of government have requested the inclusion of an addendum to clarify the regulation and to honour pre-existing licenses including CoW applications. The Company expects these issues to soon be resolved and is of the view that its SIPP and CoW will be grandfathered in respect of the Lombok Property.

In the last few weeks, the Company's management has met with a number of senior Indonesian officials at all levels of government and has received strong support and encouragement from regency, central and provincial government authorities in respect of its extension application and the status of its security of tenure over the Lombok property.

The Company has also sought advice from the Jakarta law firm of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners (the representative office of Baker & Mackenzie) on the status of and the security of its tenure over the Lombok property. Based on these discussions, the Company is confident that it will receive the necessary extensions and confident of its security of tenure. As a result of these discussions, the Company and has requested that the Jakarta laboratory, Intertek Testing Services (Bonder Clegg) finalize the assay results from recent scout diamond drilling programs. These results are being released concurrently with this news release.

The Company will be applying for a further SIPP extension for the period February 2007 to February 2008 and anticipates it will be processed at the same time that the current SIPP application is resolved. However, there is a possibility that approval of the extension may be further delayed, or that such extension may not be granted. In parallel to the SIPP renewal process the CoW negotiations will be ongoing.

On behalf of the Board of Southern Arc Minerals Inc.

John Proust, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


John Proust
Southern Arc Minerals Inc.
President and CEO
(604) 676-5241
(604) 676-5246 (FAX)

Source: Southern Arc Minerals Inc.

Rockcliff Resources Inc. is pleased to announce that massive sulphides rich in zinc and silver were intersected in surface boreholes at its 100% owned Shihan VMS Property located in central Ontario. Rockcliff will continue to systematically drill the Zinc Zone to determine its potential to host additional areas of high grade mineralization and to determine the zone's strike and depth extent.

Highlights of drill intersections from the Zinc Zone are tabulated below, including:

- 1.79 metres grading 15.30% zinc , 0.90% lead and 7.61 opt silver,
including 0.70 metres grading 30.78% zinc, 1.36% lead and 12.30 opt
- 5.83 metres grading 7.23% zinc, 0.47% lead and 6.88 opt silver, including
1.22 metres grading 25.74% zinc, 1.93% lead and 17.44 opt silver.

The Zinc Zone consists of stringers and massive sulphides lenses along a stratigraphic contact and is associated with a pervasive, highly altered felsic rock package. Furthermore, Rockcliff's drilling indicates that the Zinc Zone could potentially be more extensive than previously interpreted. Additional stacked zones of zinc and silver mineralization (Lens 1, 2 and 3) were also identified above the Zinc Zone.

Highlights of significant Rockcliff borehole assay results are tabulated below. The lengths reported are drill intersected core lengths and do not represent true widths.

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Kinross Gold Corporation ("Kinross") announced today that it has completed its acquisition of Bema Gold Corporation ("Bema"). Effective today, each common share of Bema has been exchanged for 0.4447 of a common share of Kinross and Cdn.$0.01.

"This is a landmark day for Kinross. It further solidifies our place in the sweet spot in the gold market and creates the foundation for years to come," said Tye Burt, President and CEO of Kinross.

The common shares of Kinross issued in connection with the transaction are now listed and posted for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. The common shares of Bema will be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange on or about the close of business on February 28, 2007 and will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange at the close of business today. It is anticipated that the Bema warrants currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange will commence trading under "Kinross" at the opening of business on March 1, 2007.

About Kinross Gold Corporation

Kinross, a Canadian-based gold mining company, is the fourth largest primary gold producer in North America and the eighth largest in the world. With eight mines in Canada, the United States, Brazil and Chile, Kinross employs more than 4,000 people.

Kinross maintains a strong balance sheet and a no gold hedging policy. Kinross is focused on a strategic objective to maximize net asset value and cash flow per share through a four-point plan built on growth from core operations; expanding capacity for the future; attracting and retaining the best people in the industry; and driving new opportunities through exploration and acquisition.

Kinross maintains listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol:K) and the New York Stock Exchange (symbol:KGC).

For additional information, e-mail

Cautionary Statements

All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained or incorporated by reference in this media release, including any information as to the future financial or operating performance of Kinross and Bema, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of certain securities laws, including the "safe harbour" provisions of the Securities Act (Ontario) and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this media release. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements with respect to the future price of gold and silver, the estimation of mineral reserves and resources, the realization of mineral reserve and resource estimates, the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs of production, expected capital expenditures, costs and timing of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, permitting time lines, currency fluctuations, requirements for additional capital, government regulation of mining operations, environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or claims and limitations on insurance coverage. The words "plans," "expects," or "does not expect," "is expected," "budget," "scheduled," "estimates," "forecasts," "intends," "anticipates," or "does not anticipate," or "believes," or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may," "could," "would," "might," or "will be taken," "occur" or "be achieved" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Kinross and Bema as of the date of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies.

The estimates and assumptions of each of Kinross and Bema include, but are not limited to, the various assumptions set forth in their respective most recent annual information form and management's discussion and analysis as well as: (1) there being no significant disruptions affecting operations, whether due to labour disruptions, supply disruptions, damage to equipment or otherwise during the balance of 2006; (2) development at Paracatu proceeding on a basis consistent with our current expectations; (3) permitting and development at Buckhorn proceeding on a basis consistent with Kinross' current expectations; (4) that the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar, Brazilian real, Chilean peso and the U.S. dollar will be approximately consistent with current levels; (5) certain price assumptions for gold and silver; (6) prices for natural gas, fuel oil, electricity and other key supplies remaining consistent with current levels; (7) production forecasts meet expectations for the balance of 2006; and (8) the accuracy of our current mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

Such factors include, but are not limited to: fluctuations in the currency markets; fluctuations in the spot and forward price of gold or certain other commodities (such as silver, diesel fuel and electricity); changes in national and local government legislation, taxation, controls, regulations and political or economic developments in Canada, the United States, Chile, Brazil, Russia or other countries in which we do or may carry on business in the future; business opportunities that may be presented to, or pursued by, us; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities; the speculative nature of gold exploration and development, including the risks of obtaining necessary licenses and permits; and diminishing quantities or grades of reserves. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of gold exploration, development and mining, including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave-ins, flooding and gold bullion losses (and the risk of inadequate insurance, or inability to obtain insurance, to cover these risks). Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can affect Kinross' and Bema's actual results and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, Kinross or Bema. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. All of the forward-looking statements made in this media release are qualified by these cautionary statements. Specific reference is made to the respective most recent annual information form, annual management's discussion and analysis and other filings with the securities regulators of Canada and the United States of each of Kinross and Bema. In addition, the following factors, among others, related to the proposed business combination of Kinross and Bema could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements: the businesses of Kinross and Bema may not be integrated successfully or such integration may be more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected; and the expected combination benefit from the Kinross and Bema transaction may not be fully realized or not realized within the expected time frame. These factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect Kinross or Bema or the combination of Kinross and Bema. Each of Kinross and Bema disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.


Investor Relations Contact: Kinross Gold Corporation
Tracey Thom
Director, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
(416) 365-1362

Media Contact: Kinross Gold Corporation
James Toccacelli
Senior Vice President, Communications
(416) 365-7129

Source: Kinross Gold Corporation

Bluerock Resources Ltd. (the Company) announces it has signed an option agreement with Rincon Exploration & Development LLC (RED) to purchase 100% of the PSC Project in the Orange Cliffs Mining District, south central Utah, USA, and the direct purchase of the past producing Andrew Lloyd Mine (formerly know as the Dirty Devil Mine) from a private vendor.

The Orange Cliffs District is a Chinli Formation Uranium Camp located to the north east of the Shootaring Canyon Uranium Mill. The PSC Project consists of 35 claims in five distinct claim blocks which encompass one past producing mine (the Silver Bell Mine), the strike extension of the Andrew Lloyd Mine, two historic drill outs, and the one additional prospect. Historic production from the Silver Bell and Andrew Lloyd Mines graded 0.40% U3O8 and 0.17% U3O8 respectively.

As a part of the due diligence process, Company geologists have identified 40 prospective drill targets at depths of less than 150 feet (48m). The company has completed cultural and environmental surveys and has initiated drill permit applications for these sites.

Under the terms of the agreement (which is subject to regulatory approval), the Company can acquire 100% the PSC Project by:

- issuing to RED 79,500 common shares of the Company,

- completing US$1,050,000 in exploration work on the project over a period of three years;

and making advanced royalty payments of:

- $125,000 on the first anniversary of the date of the option agreement;

- $150,000 on the second anniversary; and

- $175,000 on the third anniversary.

Any production from these projects is subject to a net smelter royalty of 5% on U3O8, and V2O5, and a payment of US$0.75/lb on U3O8 reserved or mined.

President Michael Collins commented: "With two past producers and targets defined by historic drilling, Bluerock Resources Ltd. sees the PSC Project as an opportunity to quickly and efficiently drill test mine extensions and strong exploration targets that are supported by past production. In addition to the signing of the Tramp Mine lease announced February 21, 2007, this acquisition represents the latest step in Bluerock's commitment to grow its stable of conventional uranium projects in the US southwest."

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the PSC Project and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director

Statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from estimated results. Such risks and uncertainties are detailed in the Company's filing with the B.C. Securities Commission.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd.
Cary Martin
Manager of Investor Relations
(604) 687-2471
(604) 687-2472 (FAX)

Source: Bluerock Resources Ltd.

Rockwell Ventures Inc. ("Rockwell" or the "Company") and Durnpike Investments (Pty) Ltd. ("Durnpike") announce the highly successful conclusion of its first diamond tender in 2007 for production from South African alluvial diamond operations.

The Company tendered 1982.15 carats of production from its Holpan and Klipdam mines located north of Kimberley, and Wouterspan operation on the Middle Orange River, west of Kimberley. This represented approximately one month of production through the late 2006 to early 2007.

The tender sale realized a gross value of US$5,087,102.60 and an average value of US$2,566 per carat. The sale included four stones in excess of 30 carats each, which achieved outstanding prices. The four stones in the sale are shown in the composite diagram below. They include a 34.05 carat vivid yellow, which sold for $21,159 per carat, a 49.06 carat D-color, which sold for $21,188 per carat, a 50.96 carat D-color spotless, which realized a price of $25,739 per carat, and a 53.54 carat fancy yellow stone which received a price of $8,036 per carat.

President and COO John Bristow said: "The diamond market has kicked off the New Year on very strong note, reflecting an ongoing positive mood in the trade extending from encouraging sales for Christmas 2006 and need for diamantaires to re-stock their inventories with large rough diamonds. Demand for large stones, such as those produced by Rockwell, remains particularly robust. The Company is well placed to build its production capacity and profile in this high end market segment."

Rockwell would also like to provide an update in regards to the Durnpike acquisition. As of January 31, 2007 all conditions precedent to closing had been satisfied. Further details of the Acquisition were provided in the Company's June 30, 2006 and November 23, 2006 news releases.

For further details on Rockwell Ventures Inc., please visit the Company's website at or contact Investor Services at (604) 684-6365 or within North America at 1-800-667-2114.

John Bristow, President and COO

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United Sates. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United Sates or to US Persons unless registered under the US Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Other than statements of historical fact all statements in this release that address future production, reserve or resource potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities and events or developments that each Company expects are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. There is no certainty of the financing completing. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, changes in and the effect of government policies regarding mining and natural resource exploration and exploitation, availability of capital and financing, geopolitical uncertainty and political and economic instability, and general economic, and market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Rockwell, Investors should review Rockwell's annual Form 20-F filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Company's home jurisdiction filings that are available at

No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this news release. The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Rockwell Ventures Inc.
Shawn Wallace
Investor Services
(604) 684-6365 or Toll Free: 1-800-667-2114
(604) 684-8092 (FAX)

Source: Rockwell Ventures Inc.

Anglo Swiss Resources Inc. is an exploration company focused on discovering new diamond-bearing kimberlites in the Lac de Gras area of Canada's Northwest Territories ("NWT"). This area contains Canada's main diamond producers, BHP Billiton's - Ekati Diamond Mine and Aber/Rio Tinto's - Diavik Diamond Mine. Anglo Swiss holds over 160,000 acres of exploration claims in the region.

Two of Anglo Swiss' claims (UL 1 & 2 for 5,165 acres) lie within the "Ekati Trend", approximately 40 kilometers north-east of the Ekati Mine. These claims are within 10 kilometers of the diamond-bearing Wombat and Wallaby kimberlites where major exploration and definition programs are planned by Archon Minerals/BHP Billiton.

A recent street wire reports: "Dr. Blusson said the partners would attempt more delineation drilling on the Wombat kimberlite, which he thinks could have the same grade as the Sable pipe, which is about seven kilometers to the southwest and is in the Ekati mine plan. BHP discovered the pipe in 1993 but it has dawdled since then, pursuing kimberlites on the main Ekati property because of its higher ownership of that ground.

Dr. Blusson said the last hole attempted by the partners veered off and missed the kimberlite, leaving them with just the single pierce point into the big pipe, which ranks as the largest kimberlite in Canada's North at well over 10 hectares in size. As a result, the partners will try drilling Wombat with vertical holes from the surface of a lake.

The 2005 test of Wombat produced 91 microdiamonds from about 79 kilograms of kimberlite, including 11 stones that sat on a 0.425-millimetre mesh. The entire haul suggested a microdiamond grade of about 0.85 carat per tonne, although an accurate grade will take a much larger test and larger diamonds.

An 1,100-tonne bulk sample of Sable yielded a grade of nearly one carat per tonne and a diamond value of $64 (U.S.) per carat. The diamond value is likely a bit higher today, and Ekati is mining rock worth just $60 (U.S.) per carat from its Fox pipe. With Ekati gradually running low on kimberlite, BHP would likely jump at the chance to add large amounts of rock with comparable values into the latter stages of its mine plan."

If these projects advance to production the road access to the Ekati plant will extend to within 8 kilometers of Anglo Swiss Resources' claims. Exploration for 2007 on these claims will include an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey, field work and drilling.

In light of the close proximity to producing diamond mines, the presence of numerous diamondiferous kimberlites and kimberlite indicator minerals, management is of the opinion that the UL 1 & 2 claims are highly prospective for the further discovery of diamonds.

The Company controls 4 distinct properties of merit as it works towards establishing itself towards the corporate goal of discovering a diamond mine within the Lac de Gras region:

- Anglo Swiss Resources' most advanced property is the Fry Inlet Diamond Property (60/40 joint venture with NSV.V) located approximately 25 kilometers north of BHP Billiton's "Ekati Diamond Mine property" and Aber/Rio Tinto's "Diavik Diamond Mine property", Canada's first two diamond mines. This claim group totals 91,856 acres and hosts the LI 201 significantly diamondiferous kimberlite.

- The Falcon Bay Diamond Property consists of a 100% interest in the MS 1-25 mineral claims covering approximately 52,459 acres in the diamond producing area of Lac de Gras, NWT approximately 25 kilometers south of the Diavik property.

- Anglo Swiss also owns a 100% interest in the Fishing Lake Diamond Property, located some 110 kilometers north of Yellowknife, NWT, toward the western margin of the Slave Craton. The Fishing Lake property covers 8,467 acres.

On behalf of the Board,

Len Danard, President & CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Anglo Swiss Resources Inc.
Len Danard
President & CEO
(604) 683-0484
(604) 683-7497 (FAX)

Source: Anglo Swiss Resources Inc.

Belmont Resources Inc. (the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of staking of 14 contiguous claims. 9 claims totaling 51,395 ha have been receipted and 5 additional claims in the same area, totaling 27,130 ha. are awaiting acceptance. The staked claim block is located 50 kilometers east of the Athabaska Basin, Saskatchewan, within the Wollaston and Peter Lake Domain. More precisely, the area is commonly known as the Compulsion Bay-Reindeer Lake area, 160 km east-northeast of the Key Lake Mine, 110 km east of McArthur River (457 million lb. U308 deposit), and 90 km east southeast of Cigar Lake (232 million lb. U308 deposit). The claims are accessible via helicopter, 80 km north from Southend and 25 km south from Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. The west boundary of the property is located approximately 40 km east of the gravel road going from Southend to Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan.

The Company will be commissioning Raymond A. Bernatchez, P.Eng., to write a NI 43-101 Technical Report as soon as the property can be accessed for further prospecting and sampling. The Company is considering joint venture partnerships to explore and advance these claims.

The Athabasca Basin occupies an area of about 100,000 sq km in northern Saskatchewan and accounts for approximately 30% of global primary uranium production. This uranium property further complements the Company's uranium projects located in the Northwest Athabasca Basin near Uranium City, Saskatchewan and the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador, and continues its business strategy of becoming a prominent uranium development Company.

The area was staked based on strong radiometric anomalies identified in airborne surveys in a joint survey carried out by the Saskatchewan Industry & Resources/Natural Resources Canada (Geophysical Series-64-E-Compulsion Bay). The property straddles along the northeast trending contact between the Wollaston East Domain and the Peter Lake Domain. The Needle Falls Shear Zone follows a northeasterly trend along this contact and through the property.

The geology of the property is underlain with older (3.2-2.5 Ga) felsic granitoid rocks overlain by significant amount of 2.5 to 1.83 Ga metasedimentary rocks. These rocks were later intruded by 1.92-1.77 Ga felsic granitoid and migmatite rocks of the Wollaston Group. The sedimentary rocks consist of calc-silicate gneiss, marble, amphibolite, meta-arkose, fine to medium, massive to foliated, to locally layered gneiss, consisting of biotite, hornblende, diopside, muscovite, sillimanite, garnet, cordierite, magnetite, pyrite, interlayered with meta-quartzite, pelite and graphitic schist. Similarily, the Eagle Point and Rabbit Lake Uranium deposits are located within Early Proterozoic intermediate-felsic paragneiss, calc-silicate, meta quartzite and graphitic paragneiss of the Wollaston Domain.

Four periods of exploration from 1963 to 1970, 1976 to 1979, 1981 to 1986 and 1995 to 1996 in the area NTS 64-E, were successful in discovering numerous base metal (Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag) showings. This exploration was also successful in discovering uranium mineralization. However the main exploration efforts were placed on base metals. Most of the work was of a preliminary nature.

The uranium mineralization is contained in a variety of host rocks, such as in pegmatites, silicified meta-sediments, fault related shear zones, granite gneiss, quartz-biotite paragneiss and graphitic pelitic schist. Uranium mineralization appears to be structurally controlled within the basement rocks in this area. The Needle Falls Shear Zone and the Tabburnor Structural Shear System intersects each other in the central portion of the property.

The geology and structure is similar to that reported on JNR Resources Inc. nearby Yurchison, Way, and Pendleton Lake properties. Maps allowing a view of the newly staked property will be available shortly on the website.

This news release was reviewed and approved for technical disclosure by Raymond A. Bernatchez, P.Eng., Consulting Geologist of Atikokan, Ontario, an independent qualified person.

About Belmont Resources Inc.

Belmont Resources Inc. is an emerging mining company with uranium projects located in the Central Mineral Belt Uranium District in Labrador, the Athabasca Basin-Uranium City District in Northern Saskatchewan and the Wollaston-Reindeer Lake Area east of the Athabasca Basin. Further information can be viewed at the Company website at and


Gary Musil, CFO/Director

The statements used in this Press Release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Companies forward-looking statements and expectations.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Gary Musil
Belmont Resources Inc.
(604) 683-6648
(604) 683-1350 (FAX)

Source: Belmont Resources Inc.

Following the decision by the Oslo Stock Exchange Appeal Committee on February 20, 2007, Seadrill Limited has been notified by the Oslo Stock Exchange about possible fines of approximately NOK 2 million per day in case of failure to present a mandatory offer to all shareholders in Eastern Drilling ASA.

Seadrill is reviewing all its options. In any event and as previously stated, Seadrill will bring the legal issues before the courts by commencing litigation shortly.

Source: Seadrill Ltd

LINCOLN GOLD CORP. is pleased to announce that its joint venture partner, Kinross Gold Corporation, has commenced drilling on the Jenny Hill gold property. Jenny Hill is comprised of a large claim block located in the Black Hills directly between the past producing gold mines of Paradise Peak and Denton-Rawhide. Twenty drill sites have been permitted with the BLM. Drilling will test multiple types of targets to include disseminated gold mineralization (Carlin-type) hosted in the Triassic Luning Formation, gold skarn, and possible gold-bearing stockworks.

Kinross Gold is the fourth largest primary gold producer in North America and is the eighth largest in the world. Kinross may earn up to 75% interest in the Jenny Hill property by spending US$3.0 million in work over five years, completing a feasibility study, and by helping Lincoln Gold secure financing.

Lincoln Gold Corp. is a US-based gold exploration company located in Nevada with several projects in various stages of exploration to include three properties in Nevada and one property in Mexico.


Jeffrey L. Wilson, Vice President - Exploration and COO

This Press Release may contain, in addition, to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. This news release may contain information about adjacent properties on which we have no right to explore or mine. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements are:

(i) the inability of the Company to complete the acquisition of any interest in any new mineral exploration properties;

(ii) the inability of the Company to achieve the financing required to pursue the acquisition of exploration of any new mineral properties;

(iii) the inability of the Company to complete the acquisition of Lincoln Gold;

(iv) the inability of the Company to raise the financing necessary to conduct exploration of the Lincoln Gold properties; and

(v) the presence of commercial mineralization on the Lincoln Gold properties.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.

Lincoln Gold Corp.
Investor Relations
(604) 688-7377

Source: Lincoln Gold Corp.

Amerix Precious Metals Corp. (APM.V, APMFF.PK) provided an update on the Vila Porto Rico Property or VPR, located in the Tapajos Gold District, Para State, Brazil, and to report encouraging drilling results from the Ouro Roxo Project.

The company noted that Vila Porto Rico property contains 670 square kilometers of mining rights, located in the Tapajos District, one of the largest gold producing districts in Brazil. The company further said that the property contains extensive hydraulic mining areas, placer mining operations, and mine shafts, from which gariempeiros have produced gold since 1958. The property also contains the small mining communities of Vila Porto Rico and San Jose, where local miners have produced an unconfirmed amount of gold, over the past five decades.

Within the VPR property, the company said that it is exploring four bedrock gold projects of Ouro Roxo, Nova Brasilia, Inferno Verde, and Carumbe; gold tailings deposits, hydraulic mine areas, and placer workings, covering more than 20 square kilometers.

source news :

The Marley Group submits: Last Thursday, Bronco Drilling reported 4th Quarter earnings per share of $0.72 excluding a non-recurring charge incurred during the quarter. We had expected Bronco to report earnings of $0.80 per share.

The downside can be attributed to a drop in utilization rates to 91% in the period compared to 94% for the previous quarter and 97% in 4th Quarter 2005. Also, day rates decreased slightly from 3rd quarter levels. Despite earnings being below both internal and consensus estimates, they still displayed very strong year over year earnings and revenue growth rates in excess of 100%.

After reviewing the information provided by management in Bronco’s conference call, we now expect full year 2007 earnings per share of $2.68 and 1st Quarter 2007 earnings of $0.54. The downward revision can be attributed to management calling for a Q1 utilization rate in the low to mid 80s. Management is looking for utilization rates to stabilize in the 2nd Quarter and eventually return to previously attained levels.

Supply of rigs has increased in recent quarters while demand has dropped slightly, both negatively effecting Bronco’s prospects in the short term. They have continued their refurbishment program and intend to do so until commencing it at the end of the 1st Quarter. By that time, Bronco should have 54 rigs in opertation, compared to an average of 50 operating rigs in Q4 2006.

Management placed much of the emphasis of the conference call on their newly acquired well services division. The well services industry is expected to grow at a faster rate than the well drilling industry, as the unusually high growth rate in operating drilling rigs experienced in the past few years will result in increased demand for services on these wells in the near future. Earnings in the divison are also less subject to swings caused by moves in the energy markets, the well services industry is less cyclical than the well drilling indurty. They are looking to further grow their presence in this field, possibly by acquisition with excess cash flows once the refurbishment program is suspended at the end of Q1. If no attractive acquisitions surface, the excess cash will be used to retire outstanding debt, shoring up the balance sheet.

While the conference call should be viewed as a net negative event, with management anticipating a sizable decline in utilization rates in the current quarter before eventually stabilizing and firming up later in the year, the positive commentary on their well services’ operations is encouraging.

Also, I view Bronco’s decision to suspend their refurbishment program as a positive, as current industry conditions make growing their well services division by acquisition or cleaning up their balance sheet a more sensible way to invest capital provided by operations for the time being.

Given our new view of full year 2007 earnings per sare of $2.68, and maintaining our view of shares being worthy of carrying a P/E of 12, we our lowering our 12 month price target to $32.00. However, despite the lowered price target, I am maintaining my belief that shares of Bronco Drilling represent significant value at these prices, therefore maintaining a strong buy rating on Bronco Drilling Company.

In the short term, continued selling pressure may prevent shares from appreciating too much as Wexford Capital, former private owner of Bronco Drilling and now large shareholder who has been unloading shares for some time now, continues to sell off their stake in the company. Also, a now expected weak Quarter 1 may hold back shares in the short run as well. However, if rates stabilize and improve in the later part of the year, as management has siad they anticipate, Bronco will be well prepared with 54 operating rigs and a well services division. Even with a weak 1st Quarter expected, their comparable year over year growth rates should still be impressive with earnings per share gains of over 20%, deserving of a P/E multiple of 12. Currently trading at a trailing P/E of 6.3, Bronco remains attractively valued.


Crude oil futures prices settled $1.22 higher on Feb. 21, moving above $60 per barrel for the first time in 2007, according to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Energy Center's bi-weekly Energy Bulletin.

Crude prices continued to gain strength moving from $50.48 on Jan. 18 to $60.07 on Feb. 21, an increase of 16 percent in response to lower crude oil imports, lower petroleum stocks and petroleum product output, and unscheduled refinery maintenance and repair. Petroleum product prices followed crude prices higher while natural gas prices fell in the past week.

The U.S. Department of Energy's weekly storage report showed an increase in domestic supplies of crude oil of 3.7 million barrels for the week ending Feb. 16 attributed to lower U.S. refinery input. U.S. gasoline supplies were 3.1 million barrels lower compared to the previous week, and distillates, including diesel and home heating oil supplies, were down 5 million barrels from last week.

U.S. gasoline demand over the past four weeks was 3.8 percent above last year; distillate demand, including heating oil and diesel fuel, was 9.8 percent higher. Jet fuel was 5.7 percent above year-ago levels. Missouri's average retail price for regular gasoline increased $0.18 per gallon in the past month to $2.18 per gallon on Feb. 19. The retail average is $0.13 higher than a year ago. Missouri's average price remains below the U.S. average price of $2.30 and the Midwest average retail price of $2.29 per gallon.

On Feb. 21, Missouri's average retail diesel fuel price was $2.40 per gallon, about 2.5 cents higher from last month and $0.04 or 2 percent higher than last year's average retail price of $2.36.

U.S. natural gas supplies as of Feb. 16 totaled 1,865 billion cubic feet, which is 10 percent above the 5-year average inventory level for this time of year. Natural gas prices closed at $7.72 per MMBtu, $1.49 higher than last month's settlement at this time and $0.44 above last year's price of $7.28 per MMBtu, a difference of 6 percent. In the past week (Feb. 14 -- Feb. 21), futures prices have dropped $1.40 per MMBtu on expectations of warming temperatures.

U.S. propane supplies fell by 5.8 million barrels last week and now stand 5.7 million barrels lower than this time last year. Missouri residential propane prices averaged nearly $1.70 per gallon on Feb. 19, relatively unchanged compared to last month and 2.5 cent lower than last year at this time.

source news :

Soma Petroleum Limited (SOMA) - (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: symbol SA1), Equitable Mining Corp (EQUITABLE) (a resource company trading on Frankfurt Exchange: E5W and on EQBM) and partners announce the finalization of the contract with Actel/Aikete, Ltd ("Actel/Aikete") with an initial cash down payment for the rights to holdings in all assets to include mine tailings, land, capital infrastructure including one production line in exchange for cash and securities.

Actel/Aikete will use the initial funds to acquire chemicals and manpower for the production lines. Also, funds have been allocated to continue the public relations campaign.

The chemicals purchased will utilize a unique methodology of extracting combined metal oxides through a combination of a proprietary bromine leach, resin in pulp, solvent semi-refining and precipitation has been implemented in a current production line with 4 tanks. The metals recovered are in an oxide form and easy to export to the refineries.

"The initial funds for the down payment secures and facilitates the allocation of key personnel resources for the production facility in Dalian, China and also the plan for the capability to increase production capacity very quickly with another production line," said SOMA CEO Lawrence Skolnik.

About Soma Petroleum Limited

Soma Petroleum Limited (SOMA) is a Canadian registered corporation that has interests in oil and gas projects in the Horn of Africa and mine tailings project in Dalian, China. It has partnered with leading resources developers including Inter-Continental Petroleum Co. Ltd (ICPC), a China-based oil and gas exploration company. ICPC has an extensive international track record in oil and gas.

Information presented in this newsletter contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be 'forward-looking statements.' Forward-looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward-looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as 'projects', 'foresee', 'expects', 'will,' 'anticipates,' 'estimates,' 'believes,' 'understands' or that by statements indicating certain actions 'may,' 'could,' or 'might' occur.

Source: Soma Petroleum Limited

Nitro has announced today that the Company has hired Well Enhancement Services, LLC (WES) to re-work the Farley Lease. Farley #2 is an oil producer from the Bartlesville Sand at a depth of 350 to 400 feet. WES is planning on cutting four 300 foot lateral legs 1 inch in circumference. This is a new process and has not been tried at this depth before. It has over a 76% success ratio at depths of 1000 to 3000 feet. If proven successful it could increase oil production considerably and help in secondary water flooding to recover over 66% of the oil still left in place. Larry Wise, CEO of Nitro Petroleum, Inc., states, "This is the start of a major work project on these properties, as we plan new well locations and commencing secondary water recovery."

About Nitro:

Nitro's objective is to seek out and develop opportunities in the Oil and Natural Gas sectors that represent a low risk opportunity. As well, Nitro aims to define larger projects that can be developed with Joint Venture partners. Nitro is confident that these viable opportunities exist in a sector that holds long-term fundamental strength.

Nitro intends to exploit energy exploration opportunities through various partnerships available throughout the Southern United States and in doing so build significant Oil and Natural Gas reserves and capital appreciation to its shareholders.

Certain statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Rule 175 under the Securities Act of 1933 and Rule 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and are subject to the safe harbor created by those rules. All statements, other than statements of fact, included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential future plans and objectives of the company, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Technical complications which may arise could prevent the prompt implementation of any strategically significant plan(s) outlined above.

Nitro Petroleum, Inc.
Andrea Bleasdale
Investor Relations
Toll Free: 1-888-740-7276

Copyright © 2007 SYS-CON Media

Whiting Petroleum Corporation will release its fourth quarter and full-year 2006 financial and operating results on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 after the market closes. A conference call with investors, analysts and other interested parties is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. EST (10:00 a.m. CST, 9:00 a.m. MST) on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 to discuss Whiting's fourth quarter and full-year 2006 financial and operating results. Please call (800) 591-6945 (U.S./Canada) or (617) 614-4911 (International) to be connected to the call and enter the pass code 71772068. Access to a live Internet broadcast will be available at by clicking on the link titled "Webcasts."

A telephonic replay will be available beginning approximately two hours after the call on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 and continuing through Wednesday, March 7, 2007. You may access this replay at (888) 286-8010 (U.S./Canada) or (617) 801-6888 (International) and entering the pass code 27399474. You may also access a web archive at beginning approximately one hour after the conference call.

About Whiting Petroleum Corporation

Whiting Petroleum Corporation is a holding company engaged in oil and natural gas acquisition, exploitation, exploration and production activities primarily in the Permian Basin, Rocky Mountains, Mid-Continent, Gulf Coast and Michigan regions of the United States. The Company trades publicly under the symbol WLL on the New York Stock Exchange. For further information, please visit

Source: Whiting Petroleum Corporation

Pacific Energy & Mining Company announces the approval by the shareholders of Colorado Utah Natural Gas, Inc. to sell its oil and gas assets to Pacific Energy & Mining Company for stock and assumption of certain debts.

In conjunction with the transaction, Colorado Utah Natural Gas, Inc. has withdrawn its registration statement from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

The companies will complete the transaction by March 15, 2007. The transaction will result in Pacific Energy having a present value of $80 million in oil and gas reserves over the life of the field. Pacific Energy will take over operations of the oil and gas properties.

After issuance of the additional shares to the shareholders of Colorado Utah Natural Gas, Inc., the Company's reserves from the acquisition will be approximately $3.00 per share net present value as per the reserves determined by Colorado Utah Natural Gas, based upon prices of $60 per bbl of oil and $8 per MCF of natural gas.

Pacific Energy & Mining is a diversified company with oil and gas including interests in Utah through its current acquisition of the assets of Colorado Utah Natural Gas, Inc. (, a 7% working interest in the Brennan Bottoms Oil Field in Uintah County, Utah, and a 50% revenue interest in the Cisco Springs Oil Field in Grand County, Utah.

The Company also owns a 16.67% interest in Mar/Reg Investments, a General Partnership, through which it holds working interests in oil wells in the Altamont Bluebell Oil Field in Utah and in numerous oil and gas wells in Oklahoma.

Pacific Energy also owns 80% of the outstanding shares of Pakistan Chrome Mines Ltd., a mining company with interests in over 34,000 acres of chromite and magnesite leases in Baluchistan, Pakistan. The leases mineral reserves contain an estimated 4 million tons of chromite and magnesite.


The foregoing contains forward-looking information within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties. The actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements even if experience or further changes make it clear that any projected results (expressed or implied) will not be realized.

Contact Information
Dan Green
310 410-4426

Source: Pacific Energy & Mining Company

The mining sector came under pressure after reports in South Africa that the government could impose windfall taxes on the sector.

Anglo American, Xstrata and Kazakhmys spearheaded the major fallers amongst the miners.

Automobiles & Parts bounced back from Monday's losses. The rise comes despite bad news from major manufacturer Volkswagen. Around 800,000 Volkswagen vehicles have been recalled because of concern about faulty brake lights, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said.

The banking sector struggled as shares in Barclays, Deutsche Bank and Standard Chartered declined. The latter reported earnings broadly in line with average market forecasts.

Top performing sectors so far today
Automobiles & Parts 5,487.60 +8.42%
Aeronautics and Defence
Alternative Investment Instruments
Automotive and Parts

Bottom performing sectors so far today
Mining 16,491.40 -3.69%
Personal Goods 9,230.10 -2.43%
General Financial 8,463.80 -2.11%
Travel & Leisure 6,725.50 -2.10%
Support Services 4,518.10 -2.03%

source news :

Australia's largest gold miner Newcrest Mining Ltd. said Tuesday its half-yearly profit plunged 50 percent to 37 million Australian dollars (US$29.4 million; euro22.34 million) after the company restructured its hedge strategy.

But the company's stock jumped 5.85 percent to A$23.87 (US$31.45; euro23.90) as investors took a positive view of indications that the troubled mine project Telfer was turning around.

Production problems at Telfer, in Western Australia state, have been a constant headache for Newcrest, which anounced in January that reserves at the mine have been cut 12 percent with further significant downgrades likely to follow.

But Chief Executive Ian Smith on Tuesday announced the underground mine has reached output of 4 million metric tons ahead of the March target promised to the market.

Earnings for the half-year ending Dec. 31, 2006, compares to A$74.2 million for the previous corresponding period.

The Melbourne-based company said the profit had been affected by the restructure of its hedge book and, excluding this impact, net profit for the half climbed 5 percent to A$84 million (US$66.6 million; euro50.61 million) from A$80.3 million (US$63.7 million; euro48.4 million).

Newcrest said the hedge restructure carved A$47.6 million (US$37.77 million; euro28.7 million) from earnings before interest and tax and A$36.6 million (US$29 million; euro22.04 million) from net profit.

The company had previously disclosed plans to restructure its hedging strategy, and analysts said the half-yearly result was slightly ahead of expectations.


European stocks rose Monday, led by BP and mining companies, as oil gained in early trading and metals rallied to a record level.

Mining shares in the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 index are trading at an all- time high as investors bet rising prices of industrial metals would continue to fuel earnings. Energy stocks had their biggest gain in more than a month.

"We have an overweight exposure to both oil and mining companies," said Richard Robinson, a manager at Ashburton. "China's growth story is still there, and analysts are starting to increase their estimates for commodity prices."

Allianz paced insurance companies, rising to its highest level since 2002 after Merrill Lynch advised buying more shares of the insurer. Old Mutual gained as its earnings beat analysts' estimates.

The Stoxx 600 rose 1.64 points to 382.17, while the Stoxx 50 added 14.57 points to 3,831.45 and the Euro Stoxx 50, a measure for the 13 countries sharing the euro, gained 26.33 points to 4,272.32.

Bad news for drug makers

Drug stocks limited gains after U.S. regulators delayed the introduction of a Novartis medicine and Novo Nordisk said that it would not seek to register a blood-clotting drug.

National benchmarks rose in 13 of 18 West European markets. The CAC 40 in Paris added 46.16 points to 5,762.54. The FTSE in London rose 33.20 points to 6,434.70, and the DAX in Germany climbed 35.01 points to 7,027.59.

Nickel climbed to a record on the London Metal Exchange for a second consecutive session, and lead posted a new high for a seventh session. Copper also advanced, tracking gains in Asia. Imports of copper and copper products into China, the world's biggest user of the metal, jumped 44 percent in January from a year earlier.

BP rallied 2 percent to 545.5 pence. Rio Tinto, one of the largest mining companies, advanced 33 pence to 2,940 pence.

"There is a long-term bull market in commodities," said David Hart, a senior analyst at Fat Prophets in London. "We are looking for new highs, and commodity producers will do well."

Allianz, the biggest insurer in Europe, rallied €4.86 to €168.92 after Merrill raised the stock to "buy" from "neutral."

Allianz's "restructuring story is alive and well, with more near-term catalysts than we had expected," wrote Brian Shea, an analyst at Merrill Lynch in London. Allianz last week reported a better-than-expected 60 percent increase in full-year earnings.

Separately, UBS raised its share- price estimate to €180 from €167, saying that cost-reduction programs in all Allianz divisions seemed to be making better progress.

More mergers predicted

Mergers and acquisitions of European industrial companies may jump to a record number of deals this year, according to a survey of private equity firms by KPMG International.

The Netherlands, Germany and France may be among the most active markets for mid-market-size transactions, KPMG said in an e-mailed statement on Monday.

"National boundaries are beginning to fall away with increasing levels of foreign buyers for mid-market assets," said Steven Halbert, head of mid-markets at KPMG's corporate finance unit in Britain

Deals in Europe surged 53 percent to $1.68 trillion in 2006 from a year earlier, according to Bloomberg data, with private-equity firms fueling the increase in deals.

Old Mutual, one of the biggest insurers in Britain, climbed 6 pence to 187.5 pence after it said that second-half profit fell less than analysts estimated and raised its dividend as the Skandia acquisition paid off.

Novartis, one of the largest drug makers in Europe, dropped 1.25 Swiss francs to 70.95 francs after U.S. regulators requested more information on its experimental diabetes treatment, Galvus, delaying the introduction of one of the drug maker's most important new products.

Novo Nordisk, the world's largest insulin maker, dropped 27.50 kroner, or 5.4 percent, to 485.50 kroner. The company said it would seek to register the blood-clotting drug NovoSeven to treat strokes after data showed that it did not improve patients' recovery. The shares fell the most in nearly two years.

Ambereen Choudhury contributed reporting.

Apolo Gold & Energy Inc. (OTCBB: APLL) has executed a Letter of Intent with Great American Minerals, Inc. (GAM) of Salt Lake City Utah, for the acquisition of all of the outstanding shares of GAM in return for a yet to be determined number of restricted shares of common stock of Apolo. GAM is a private company located in Salt Lake City, Utah and the holder of numerous mining claims primarily in Nevada.

The number of restricted shares to be issued by Apolo, which would be delivered upon the closing of the Definitive Agreement, will be determined by mutual consent of the parties only after an independent value has been determined for the assets of GAM being acquired by Apolo. Both parties will use their best efforts to execute a Definitive Agreement by April 20, 2007, and close by June 20, 2007.

As a condition of execution of the Definitive Agreement, the most significant GAM properties shall be evaluated at Apolo's cost for geological and economic value by a qualified independent third party prior to a final determination of the number of Apolo shares to be issued to GAM shareholders.

GAM currently owns over 900 unpatented mining claims, and has Joint Ventures with Madison Minerals Ltd and Platte River Gold. There are 6 prominent properties located in Nevada and include a diverse asset base of properties hosting gold and silver, to strategic metal mineral resources such as vanadium and copper. The properties range from advanced exploration/development drilling projects to promising exploration targets. All properties are located in the prolific Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend in Nevada, also known as the Cortez Trend.

Through a Joint Venture with Madison Minerals, Inc., GAM and Madison have acquired control of claims and patents for over 5,500 acres on the Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend in Nevada. GAM has a 40% interest in the joint venture which has the option of acquiring the property. This Joint Venture known as the Phoenix Joint Venture is strategically located directly north of and contiguous with Newmont Mining Corp.'s Phoenix/Fortitude Mine Development complex which is reported to host significant mineable reserves of gold.

Other projects owned by GAM include the Treasure Hill Project, located in White Pine County between Ely and Eureka, Nevada; Black Kettle Vanadium Project located 8 miles south of Carlin in Elko County, Nevada; Modoc Project, located 3 miles from Newmont's Phoenix-Fortitude property and directly adjacent to the Phoenix JV Property; UNR Project, located in the Eureka Mining District; and the Platte River JV Project.

GAM also owns claims in the High Grade District in the Warner Mountains, approximately 30 miles northeast of Alturas in Modoc County, in the northeast corner of California. This is a gold occurrence that has had very little exploration to date.

Regarding the Treasure Hill Project, current drilling data indicates significant silver bearing mineralization of high grade material. Additional drilling will be required on this property to determine its potential.

Prior to the closing of the Definitive Agreement, GAM will provide evidence of a firm commitment of financing in the amount of $8,000,000. A portion of these funds would be allocated to the retirement of debentures currently outstanding in GAM. The balance will provide sufficient financing to retire all outstanding obligations of both Apolo and GAM, and provide working capital of almost $4,000,000 for work program commitments and general working capital. As a further condition to closing, the parties have agreed to the election of a revised board of directors.

Apolo also advises that it has signed an Agreement with Atna Resources Ltd wherein Apolo will execute a quit claim and return its rights regarding the Beowawe property in Nevada to Atna Resources Ltd. As a condition of this Agreement, Apolo has agreed to reimburse Atna $113,520 of expenditures made on its behalf and to issue to Atna 2,200,000 restricted common shares in lieu of unfulfilled work commitments for the past year. Upon settlement of the foregoing, Apolo will be released from further obligations regarding the Beowawe property.

The Company is awaiting a geological consultants report on its NUP property in Sumatra, Indonesia prior to determining its continuing program for 2007.


For further information, please contact:
Brant W. Little B.B.A. Advisor to the Board
Tel: 604-687-4150
Fax: 604-687-4155

Safe Harbor Statement

All statements contained herein, as well as oral statements that may be made by the Company or by officers, directors or employees of the Company acting on the Company's behalf, that are not statements of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of the company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties are outlined in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for 2005 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company is not obligated to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Market Wire


For further information, please contact:
Brant W. Little B.B.A. Advisor to the Board
Tel: 604-687-4150
Fax: 604-687-4155
e-mail: Email Contact

1209-409 Granville St.
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1T2

Copyright © 2007 SYS-CON Media

Microcap Speculator submits: Last week, a reader who wishes to remain anonymous -- he is soon starting a position on the buyside -- suggested I take a look at Atlas Mining . He thinks that this microcap clay mining concern holds promise both as an asset play, and as a play on technological advances that will allow the mined materials to be used in high margin advanced ceramics and polymer applications.

Rather than summarize his research, take a look at the impressive report (.pdf) he prepared, and has kindly permitted me to share. I'm not ready to jump in quite yet, for reasons I'll get to in a bit, but this report is as professional and well done as you will find on a microcap company (at any price).

After reading the report, I did a little digging of my own and had several questions. Because this reader's responses were so helpful, I have recast our email correspondence into a quasi-interview. Please read the report first; otherwise the questions and answers will lack context. The questions below are mine, and the answers are his.

Q: Does it concern you that the other public companies in which management is involved have not rewarded investors (Transnational Automotive Group , Trend Mining Co. )?
A: I do not believe ALMI's CEO, Bill Jacobson, had much managerial influence at TRDM and I believe he accepted a board position with TAMG because he felt the Company's acitivties in Africa will generate social benefits. You are correct in stating that TRDM and TAMG has not returned much to investors. I doubt, however, that Jacobson has had much influence in the management of either of these companies.

Q: The company currently has a market cap/sales ratio of over 50. The plan is clearly to ramp operations and revenues, but can this be done quickly enough to provide a revenue stream that would justify comparison to Amcol, which trades at an EV/R of 1.61?
A: The speed at which the Company can ramp up its topline is a critical assumption I've made in my analysis. Ron Price, who heads the NTI subsidiary of Atlas, is targeting a 30,0000 - 35,000 ton run rate by late 2007/early 2008. This won't be easy. Selling the clay to advanced application users takes a bit of work but once you win a customer he is yours to lose due the technical orientation of the sale. Price is currently working with multiple polymer and advanced application customers and I do believe he could meet his goal but if the target run rate turns out to be a mid-2008 event, I think the valuation thesis still holds.

Q: Are the cost estimates too low? The report works off of a base estimate from 2004, but most public mining companies have reported strong increases in costs since then.
A: According to the Company, the cost estimates are in-line with its expectations. I think there has been some slight cost increase but nothing material. What is interesting about the business model is if the Company gets $2,000 - $3,000 per ton for its product, increasing our estimated mining costs from $200 to $300 per ton does not make much difference to the margins realized given that mining costs are such a small percentage of the estimated sales price for the clay.

Q: What will the SG&A costs be when sales/marketing is ramped, and how much will these eat into cash flow?
A: I believe the Company will bring on a salesman who will act as an initial point person with customers but Price will do the heavy selling. I do not believe there is a strong linear relationship between SG&A expense and total tonnage sold. There are some small costs associated with selling the intial clay samples to potential customers and Price will travel throughout 2007 to attend certain technical conferences to market his product line. I do not believe, however, that SG&A would be much more than $2.0MM annually whether the
Company sold 30,000 tons or 50,000 tons annually from its Dragon Mine property.

Q: Are any additional environmental or other permits needed to expand the mining or process the tailings?
A: The Company has filed for a 100 acre mining permit that will enable it to process the tailing piles. Management expects to receive the permit in a few weeks. They see no reason for a denial but there is always a risk of governmental red tape muddling the process.

Q: What do you think the odds are of reaching a 35,000 ton run rate on the production side and sales side by early 2008?
A: I'll put the odds at 60% because the Company has no history executing sales.

Q: How much additional financing will be required to reach this?
A: After my discussions with management, the most recent $2.0MM raise was the last round of financing needed to bring the company to the 35,000 ton run rate. I expect no further dilution.

I'm inclined to wait until Atlas Mining books a few big sales on the higher margin ceramics and polymer products. However, I cannot deny that this reader has done quite well on his investment, proving once again that a well-researched microcap pick can yield returns far above the market. Thanks for the great research, and keep 'em coming!

- ECU Silver Mining Inc.
- Discovery of new mineralized veins including intercepts grading 270 g/t, 91 g/t, 62 g/t and 52 g/t Gold and 2,704 g/t, 1,483 g/t, 921 g/t and 223 g/t Silver;

- Additional vertical continuity of 537 meters (1,761 feet) of the San Mateo vein and length of over 900 meters (2,952 feet) confirmed while still remaining open at depth;

- Discovery of a 7.9 meter wide (25.9 feet) "Chimney" grading 3.43 g/t Gold, 286 g/t Silver, 4.40% Lead and 0.95% Zinc on the San Mateo vein;

- Discovery of 3 additional Chimney type zones in a new area not linked to the San Mateo vein. Intercepts include 1.6 g/t gold, 452 g/t silver, 0.67% lead, 0.68% zinc over a width of 4.24 meters (13.90 feet);

- Discovery of an unexpected mineralized green bearing skarn at the San Mateo mine.

Mr. Michel Roy, Chairman and CEO of ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:ECU - News) is pleased to announce the Company has received assays from the exploration drilling program currently being undertaken in the San Mateo mine area. To date five drill holes have been completed for a total drill length of 1,694 meters with a sixth drill hole well underway. Assays have been received for most of the samples and are presented in the tables below.

complete this report visit at :

Glass Earth Limited (TSX VENTURE: GEL)(NZAX: GEL) ("Glass Earth") wishes to announce that an Agreement has been entered into with Waihi Gold Company Limited (a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation) whereby Newmont will explore Glass Earth's extensive permit area in the Hauraki Region, North Island, New Zealand.

Glass Earth's Hauraki Region permit area lies immediately to the west and north of the Waihi / Martha Hill Mine, located at Waihi, North Island, New Zealand which is owned and operated by Newmont.

15 advanced gold prospects lie in the Glass Earth / Newmont Joint Venture area within trucking distance of Newmont's Waihi gold plant; several of the targets have significant gold intercepts, such as:

- At Wharekiriponga (WKP), DDH4 17.7m @ 4.0g/t Au (in 150m @ 0.93g/t Au) lies just two kms along-strike from the Golden Cross mine (produced 634,000 oz gold 1991 - 1997);

- At Owharoa (historic production 63,334 oz), a 500m wide alteration zone is interspersed with innumerable quartz veins.

The 10 million ounce Martha Hill Mine, owned by Newmont, is considered to be the "type" epithermal gold deposit and the kind of large epithermal gold deposit targeted by Glass Earth in its exploration program.

Hauraki Region Joint Venture Agreement

The Agreement terms provide that Newmont may earn an equity interest in each of the 3 sectors of the Hauraki Region (named Northern, Central and Southern) by undertaking exploration programs (including drilling) as follows:

a) To earn an initial 65% equity in a venture area, by expending over a 4 year period;

- NZ$1.65m (circa C$1.37m) on the Northern Hauraki Venture Area;

- NZ$1.75m (circa C$1.45m) on the Central Hauraki Venture Area;

- NZ$2.8m (circa C$2.3m) on the Southern Hauraki Venture Area.

b) Newmont may elect to prepare a feasibility study to earn a further 10% in a venture area;

c) Glass Earth may request that Newmont arrange Glass Earth's share of financing in return for a further 5% equity in a venture area;

d) Glass Earth and Newmont will be liable (in proportion to their equity interests) for the Geoinformatics Exploration Inc 2% royalty on any production from identified and acknowledged targets in the Hauraki Region permit area.

e) Newmont will be the operator

Newmont will commence exploration activities immediately.

Qualified Persons

Glass Earth's exploration programmes are carried out under the supervision of Glass Earth's VP Exploration and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Simon Henderson, M.Sc, M.AUSIMM. Mr. Henderson meets the qualified person requirements (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) with more than 30 years of experience in the gold mining and exploration industry.

About Glass Earth Limited

Glass Earth is one of the largest New Zealand-based gold exploration companies exploring a land position of over 31,000 square kilometres in the North and South Islands.

- Glass Earth has another Joint Venture Agreement with Newmont for Newmont to fund the exploration in the Waihi West area adjacent to Newmont's Waihi / Martha Hill Mine.

On the North Island, exploration efforts are focussed on the Hauraki / Central Volcanic Region. The Hauraki / Central Volcanic Region is host to the 10 million ounce gold Waihi / Martha Hill Mine, owned by Newmont Mining, which is considered the "type" epithermal gold deposit and the kind of large epithermal gold deposit targeted by Glass Earth.

- Hauraki Region - With 15 advanced gold prospects, this region is host to the world-class epithermal gold deposit at the Waihi / Martha gold mine;

- Mamaku-Muirs Region - With 17 recently-defined gold targets, this region includes the Muirs Reef prospect, which historically has produced more than 43,000 ounces of gold;

- Central Volcanic Region - Glass Earth has defined 74 epithermal gold targets in this region, including 6 advanced drill-ready prospects in the process of being drilled; and

On the South Island, exploration efforts are focussed on the Otago Region for mesothermal "Macraes-style" gold targets.

- Otago Region - As Glass Earth's main gold region on New Zealand's South Island, a data collection/geophysical intervention over the recently awarded Otago Prospecting Permit and other areas and a targeting project commenced in January 2007. This region contains three near drill-ready mesothermal gold prospects.

EXPLORATION REGIONS (See figure 1 - GEL exploration regions - overview map)

Glass Earth Limited, headquartered in Toronto with New Zealand operations offices, is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VENTURE: GEL) and the New Zealand Alternative stock exchange (NZAX: GEL).

To view a copy of the map "Figure 1 - GEL exploration regions - overview map", please click the link below:

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor New Zealand Exchange Limited has reviewed this release and neither accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Glass Earth Limited
Simon Henderson
Chief Operating Officer and Vice President, Exploration
+64 4 903 4980

Copyright © 2007 SYS-CON Media